Product Destruction

We have giant shredders that can handle large items or small items. What ever you need destroyed we have you covered.

Certified product destruction is a disposal process that is used by various businesses to destroy or dispose of outdated and defective products. The entire process is certified or authenticated such that the products are not resold or used illegally.

Ensure that the defective products are not resold

Reselling defective products will have serious consequences for your business and its brand image. Here are some of the effects of illegal selling of damaged goods:


Pose a danger to the consumers: Consumers may face serious danger issues by using the defective products and your company will be held liable.


Damage your brand's reputation: If consumers buy your products from other random sources, it will affect your brand image very badly.


Put your IP at risk: Sometimes, companies sell your defective goods to competitors. This will also pose a serious threat to your business.

Brand protection

Your brand will never want rejected products sold in the black or gray markets. Employees, online discount retailers, shops, or street sellers can conduct this activity. This has a negative affect on the brand image of your company.

Limit liability

Selling products that no longer meet the government regulatory standards or your internal standards imposes certain liabilities on your company. Therefore, these defective or expired products must be destroyed properly.

Some of the government regulatory agencies are the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC), US Customs, and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).